Author Archives: Olivia Adams

Erica Lonergan on Lawfare Podcast

On April 22, Erica Lonergan was interviewed on the Lawfare Daily podcast discussing “The Case for a U.S. Cyber Force.” Dr. Lonergan recently authored a report making the case for establishing a U.S. Cyber Force as a way to address the military’s difficulty to recruit, train, and equip sufficient personnel to meet growing cyber challenges. The podcast episode addresses […]

Visiting Scholar Gesine Weber launches Geopolitical Europe Substack

Saltzman Institute Visiting Scholar Gesine Weber has just launched her new Substack titled, Geopolitical Europe. Geopolitical Europe is a platform sharing research on Europe’s, and the EU’s, role in the world. It currently consists of Geopolitical Europe Pulse (reading recommendations tied to current events) and Geopolitical Europe Briefs (Gesine’s own research published on Geopolitical Europe and externally).  You can subscribe to Geopolitical Europe (or read the content) here. 

Stuart Gottlieb in The New York Times

On April 5, Stuart Gottlieb had the lead Letter to the Editor in Saturday’s print edition of the New York Times, under the headline “Sensible Ways to Fight Terrorism.” It’s currently available online here.

Elizabeth Saunders on Chatter Podcast by Lawfare

On April 4, Elizabeth Saunders was interviewed on Chatter, a weekly long-form conversation podcast hosted by Lawfare. The episode is titled, “Why Foreign Policy Elites Matter with Elizabeth Saunders,” and discusses her new book The Insiders’ Game: How Elites Make War and Peace (book linked here). You can listen online here. 

Jason Healey on Afternoon Cyber Tea Podcast

On April 2, Jason Healey was featured on the Afternoon Cyber Tea podcast with Ann Johnson, where he discussed the importance of frameworks in understanding emerging technologies, and the optimism that’s necessary as a more security-focused mentality takes root in the field. You can listen here. 

Stuart Gottlieb and Matthew Oey in Terrorism and Political Violence Journal

On April 2, Stuart Gottlieb and Saltzman Student Scholar Matthew Oey had a book review published in the Terrorism and Political Violence journal. Gottlieb and Oey review Rohan Gunaratna’s new book, Sri Lanka’s Easter Sunday Massacre: Lessons for the International Community (Penguin, 2023). You can read the review online here.

Jason Healey on Security Weekly Podcast

On March 28, Jason Healey was interviewed on Paul’s Security Weekly podcast from SC Media to discuss the opportunities and challenges for building a defensible cyberspace and, crucially, if we are winning that campaign. You can listen here. 

Rajan Menon in the Boston Review

On March 26, Rajan Menon had an essay published in the Boston Review titled, “A Crack in Putin’s Armor: What the concert hall attack means for the Russian leader’s future.” You can read it online here.