Author Archives: Eric Ryan

Rajan Menon in Politico

On May 25, 2022, Rajan Menon had an opinion piece in Politico, co-authored with Daniel R. Depetris. Titled, “The US Can’t Force the Rest of the World to Support Ukraine. Here’s Why,” you can read it Here.

Sarah Daly on “Unpacking Latin America” Podcast

Here is the link to listen to Sarah Daly and Professor Victoria Murillo’s conversation on “The Legacy of Latin America’s Civil Wars.” In the conversation, Daly discusses the legacies of Latin American civil wars, tracing them to the current levels of high criminality and voters’ preference for security even at the expense of civil liberties. She discusses […]

Anne Nelson in The New Republic

On April 18, 2022, Anne Nelson had a piece in The New Republic. Titled, “10 People You’ve Never Heard of Who are Destroying Democracy: They’re sowing disruption and disinformation, and they have their eyes on 2024,” you can read it Here.