Dr. Carla Monteleone is an Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Palermo. She is currently a Fulbright-Schuman Research Scholar working on “International Security, Multilateral Intervention and the Question of Legitimacy: The Role of Cooperation Between the US and the EU.” Dr. Monteleone’s research interests focus on security, multilateralism, EU-US relations, EU foreign and security policy and American foreign policy. She is a member of the management committee of the Transatlantic Studies Association.

Dr. Monteleone’s publications include: “The End of the Euro-Atlantic Pluralistic Security Community? The New Agenda of Transatlantic Security Relations in the Global Political System”, in N. Fernandez and M. Smith (eds.), Perceptions and Policy in Transatlantic Relations: Prospective Visions from the US and Europe, Routledge, 2009; “Impact and Perspectives of American Bases in Italy”, in L. Nuno Rodrigues and Sergyi Glebov (eds.), Military Bases. Historical Perspectives, Contemporary Challenges, IOS Publishers, 2009; “Transatlantic Governance and the Southern Caucasus” (with Rosa Rossi), in M. Geistlinger, F. Longo, G. Lordkipanidze, and Y. Nasibli (eds.), European Security Identity and the Southern Caucasus  (Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag GmbH), 2008; “The Evolution of a Pluralistic Security Community: Impact and Perspectives of the American Bases in Italy”, in Journal of Transatlantic Studies,  5(1): 63-87, 2007; “The New Transatlantic Agenda: Transatlantic Security Relations between Post-Hegemonic Cooperation and Interdependence”, in Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 1(1), 87-107, 2003; Le relazioni transatlantiche e la sicurezza internazionale, Milan, Giuffrè, 2003; “Multilateralism, Security and the Global Political System: The US and the EU at the UN”, in Reality of Politics, forthcoming.