5:00 p.m. Screening of RESTREPO, a documentary about a platoon of U.S. soldiers fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan’s Korengal Valley. Based on reporting for Vanity Fair and winner of the Grand Jury Prize for the Best Documentary at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival.
6:30 p.m. Discussion with filmmakers Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington. Junger is a journalist and author of The Perfect Storm and War. Hetherington is an award-winning photographer and author of Infidel and Long Story Bit by Bit: Liberia Retold.
Moderated by Paul Elie, senior editor at Farrar, Straus and Giroux, and Adjunct Professor of Writing at Columbia’s School of the Arts.
Co-sponsored with Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism; Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma; The Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies; and Columbia-SIPA Veterans Association.