Update: A paper by Dr. Kahler to accompany this talk is now available online: click here.
The Center on Global Governance and the Arnold A. Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies present:
“A Reordered World? Rising Powers and Global Governance”
with Dr. Miles Kahler
Rohr Professor of Pacific International Relations, University of California, San Diego
This event is free and open to the public.
Miles Kahler is Rohr Professor of Pacific International Relations at IR/PS and Distinguished Professor of Political Science at UC San Diego. His principal areas of research are international relations and international political economy, particularly international institutions and global governance, Asian regional institutions, the evolution of the nation-state, and the political economy of international finance. Dr. Kahler also served as Principal Consultant for the Asian Development Bank project, Institutions for Regionalism in Asia and the Pacific. He holds a Ph.D. in Government from Harvard University.